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Your Fundraiser Toolkit

Why Inglis Needs Your Help 

Every day Inglis works to ensure people with disabilities can achieve their goals and live life to the fullest. This is only possible because of the generosity of our community. Gifts both large and small make a significant impact on the lives of those we serve. Here are some of the ways donations make a difference for the Inglis Community 


Four virtual Inglis Assistive Technology Solutions sessions for a community member 


Equipment for a Connections participant to engage in virtual programming 


One engaging art course with a professional artist for Inglis House Residents. 


One year of care management for residents of Inglis’ accessible, affordable independent apartments 

How to Set Up Your Facebook Fundraiser 

  1. Click  in the left menu of your News Feed. You may need to click See More.  Click here to go to the Facebook Fundraisers homepage.

  2. Under Raise money for a nonprofit click Select Nonprofit

  3. Inglis may appear in a list of suggested nonprofits, but if it does not, use the search tool to find Inglis.  

  4. This will take you to your fundraiser. Edit details on the panel of the left-hand side of your computer screen. Make sure to update these details for your personal fundraising goals, including why this fundraising is important to you.  

    *A personal story will generate the best results; at the end of this toolkit, we include some guides to help craft your story. 

  5. When all details are included click Create

Tips for Setting Up and Managing Your Fundraiser 

  1. Set a Goal: Pick a number that you feel is achievable; you can always edit this goal once you get a feel for your campaign. Keep in mind that donors like to see your progress and are more motivated to give as you get closer to your goal.  

  2. Make it Personal: Use personal touches to highlight why Inglis is important to you. Share personal stories and photos.  

  3. Self-Donations: Consider donating to your page to get things started, even if it is small it will show you believe in your own efforts.   

  4. Draft Prospect List: Think of people that you can count on for support: friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. Include people who have asked you for support in the past.  

  5. Email: An email from you will help drive more people to your social media fundraiser. Try sending emails in small batches, with 10 or less people. This will allow you to be more personal with your messaging and make the recipient feel special.   

  6. Ask Again and Again: Don’t assume someone you have reached out to is not interested in your fundraiser just because they have yet to make a gift. Everyone gets busy and forgets. Follow up by sending reminder emails; this is a good time to make personal requests.  

  7. Send Updates: Update donors and prospects on the status on your fundraiser. Let them know when your fundraiser has reached a milestone, such as halfway to goal. 

  8. Use Deadlines: Setting an end date for your fundraiser will create urgency. People are more likely to give knowing the deadline is near.  

  9. Thank and then Thank Again: Send a personal thank you when gifts are made to your campaign. You can show your gratitude for their support by sending an email or a letter, making a phone call or in person. Once your fundraiser is finished, it is good to send a general thank you to everyone who donated by email and include the total amount you raised.  

Sharing Your Goals with Friends and Family

A successful Facebook fundraiser starts with communicating your goals. Click here to see sample emails and social media posts to help you get started.


If you need help or have questions about setting up your Facebook fundraiser, contact Danielle Quinn at