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February 01, 2024

Finding a Career with Inglis Employment Services

Have you ever found yourself at a career crossroad and wondered what was next? 

At 20 years old, I’shay found herself at just that crossroad after graduating from high school in 2021. Frustrated with the job search, she turned to Inglis Employment Services (IES) for assistance and meeting her Inglis job coach proved to be a game-changer. 

IES uses a person-centered approach to empower individuals with disabilities with skills for the job search process that stick for a lifetime: skills for seeking the right position, interviewing for and “landing” the job, securing the accommodations their disability requires, and sustaining that job independently as a valued member of the workforce.

I’shay, inspired by family working in the field, landed her first dietary tech job with Inglis’ guidance. Now, several months into her new job at Immaculate Mary Center for Rehabilitation & Healthcare, she loves ensuring residents receive exactly the meals they want while she is prepping their trays for delivery. She loves being an important – and positive – part of residents’ days and feels that she has found a calling that is likely to become a career.

Reflecting on her job search, I’shay shares valuable advice for those facing job-hunting challenges: “Never give up, go for what you are interested in, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.” Her story is a testament to what happens when personal goals meet the support available at Inglis. 

Thirty-six-year-old Mike embarked on his job search with IES last February. After recovery from a herniated disc, he knew he needed a change from the more physically demanding jobs he had in the past. Inglis proved to be the right resource, at just the right time. Mike couldn’t have imagined that he would find a role where he would get to use his love of history like his job at the Mercer Museum in Doylestown. 

Mike now serves as a tour guide at the Museum, sharing his passion for history and giving insights into artifacts on display. Providing that historical context paired with his encyclopedia-like knowledge — brings the exhibits alive for guests. 

His advice for job seekers underscores the importance of reaching out to resources like the PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and embracing the support available like he found with IES.

Mike emphasizes, “A job search is not for the faint of heart. It’s all about who you know. I’m grateful to have connected with Inglis to help me open a new door to a job I love.” 

For I’shay, Mike, and hundreds of job seekers with disabilities, the path to fulfilling work started with Inglis. 

If you or someone you know could benefit from IES services please contact us at