Self-Determination Housing of Pennsylvania (SDHP)
Prepared Renter Education Program (PREP)
Welcome to the redesigned PREP-Prepared Renter Education Program! This tool is the result of many hours of work by the Self-Determination Housing of Pennsylvania (SDHP) and Regional Housing Coordinators with the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). Together with input and feedback from many of our partners throughout Pennsylvania, we have pulled together strategies that work. PREP starts with the basics of renting to help determine what is affordable and incorporates best practices in searching for a home. The program discusses processes for applying, gathering information needed to answer questions, and preparing individuals to sign a lease. Our PREP tools are created to assist professionals in their pursuit to help community members get organized, take charge, and be ready for the nuances that often surface when searching for a home. It then helps guide what good tenancy is after the lease is signed. We hope PREP will make the difference in turning a housing search into a happy home.
The first version of the Prepared Renter Education Program was released in 2007 and has been evolving ever since. Over the years many individuals have invested their time and talent to help edit, update, and refine this program. We would like to offer our thanks to everyone who has ever lent their support in the creation of the PREP program.
Supplemental Materials offered with the completion of our 3-part series or full PREP:
SDHP’s brand new PREP User Manual which is specifically designed for the user.
A separate pdf with all the worksheets
Certificate of completion given out upon request
Completing either the 3-part series, or full PREP is a prerequisite for taking our Train the Trainer course. Train the Trainer is designed for those interested in creating their own PREP program.
Supplemental materials we offer with Train the Trainer:
Facilitators Guide
PREP Workbook
Draft PREP slides to work from
The opportunity to work with your Regional Housing Coordinator to become a certified PREP trainer.
Click here to find our next scheduled PREP series (link opens in a new window)
Use this form if you want to request full prep for your organization (link opens in a new window)
If you would like to request a Train the Trainer course, please reach out to