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Planned Giving at Inglis

Beneficiary Gifts

Giving is not always about writing a check.

So many donors tell us that they would love to do more to help our residents and service recipients lead more independent lives but don’t know how to do that while still providing for themselves and their families. Making a bigger impact on the people we serve can be easier than you think. There are many ways you can do that while also ensuring you meet your retirement goals and provide for your family.

For many people, most of their wealth is not in their wallet or checkbook, it’s in their assets. These non-cash gifts include beneficiary designations in your will, trust, retirement account (such as your 401(k), 403(b), IRA, etc.), life insurance, transfer on death account and more. Giving through your assets has several benefits. 


  • Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
  • You can modify your gift at any time should your circumstances change.
  • You can direct your gift to support a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).

Beneficiary Gifts are the easiest gifts to make. They cost you nothing during your lifetime and allow you to make a larger gift than you ever thought possible.

Some examples include:

  • Include a bequest gift for Inglis in your will or living trust 

  • Name Inglis as a beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan (IRA, 403(b), 401(k), etc.) 

  • Name Inglis as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy 

  • Name Inglis as a beneficiary of your donor-advised fund 

How it Works

  • Name Inglis in your will, codicil to your will, living trust or as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy or donor-advised fund. 
  • Designate your gift for a particular purpose that is important to you or allow us to use the gift where the need is greatest at the time it matures.

  • Indicate a percentage, a set amount, or the remaining balance to benefit our mission.
  • Complete a Statement of Intention form, or share a copy of the beneficiary designation form or applicable page from your will or trust document to ensure that your wishes are accurately recorded. While optional, this ensures Inglis can honor your wishes exactly as you intended. Click Here to Download the Statement of Intention Form.

Click Here for Sample Language and processes for making a Beneficiary Gift.

Contact us with any questions!

Click here if you are interested in learning more about Planned Giving at Inglis and a member of our team will be in touch!

Jessica Scipione
Director, Donor Engagement 
(267) 635-2541

2600 Belmont Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19131